


Students have a right to be free from capricious grading 和 to be treated fairly 在评分和课堂实践中. 在大多数情况下,学生应该设法 settle any dissatisfaction concerning grades directly with the faculty member involved. If a grade dispute cannot be settled in this way, students should consult the dean 合适的学术主席. 如果问题没有解决,学生可以 向职系上诉委员会提出上诉.

Appeals to the GAB shall be filed with the chair of the GAB no later than the last 收到成绩后的下一个长学期的常规上课日. 这一指控 of capricious grading shall be h和led according to the grade appeals procedure outlined 在第6节.学生手册第14条.


The following procedure is available only for review of alleged capricious grading 和 not for review of the judgment of a professor in assessing the quality of a student’s 工作.



  1. the assignment of a grade to a student on some basis other than performance in the 课程;
  2. the assignment of a grade to a student by more exacting or dem和ing st和ards than were applied to other students in that 课程; 和/or
  3. the assignment of a grade by a substantial departure from the professor’s st和ards 在学期的第一部分公布并提供.

The assessment of the quality of a student’s academic performance is one of the major professional responsibilities of College District faculty members 和 is solely 和 这是他们的责任. 它对学术课程的标准至关重要 at the College District 和 the integrity of degrees conferred by Collin that the professional judgments of faculty members not be subject to pressures or other interference 从任何来源.

It is necessary, however, that any course grade be based on evidence of the student’s performance in a course, that the student have access to the evidence, that the professor be willing to explain 和 interpret the evidence to the student, 和 that a grade 根据公布的指导方针确定. 这些指导方针应该是 在学期的第一周内在每个班级公布.

At any time, a student may seek the counsel of a designated College District representative regarding the procedure for appealing alleged capricious grades or the merits of a 特殊情况下.


A student who believes a term grade is capricious may seek clarification, 和 where 适当的补救办法如下:

  1. The student shall confer with the professor, inform the professor of questions concerning the grade, 和 seek to underst和 fully the grounds 和 procedures the professor has 用于确定等级. 这样一个会议的目的是达成相互了解 about the grade, the process by which it was assigned, 和 to correct errors, if any, 在年级. 如果因为任何原因无法联系到教授,教务长 任命学术主席(或指定人)代理教授.
  2. If, after consultation with the professor (or designee), the student believes that a grade is capricious, the student shall confer with the appropriate academic dean. The dean shall consult 和 advise with both the professor 和 student, separately or together, in an effort to reach an underst和ing 和 resolution of the matter.
  3. If steps (A) or (B) above do not resolve the problem, the student may submit a written 呈请书及证明文件,请填妥 成绩上诉表格.  没有证明文件的书面请愿书将不予考虑. 例子 of supporting documents may include, but are not limited to, course syllabus, copies of emails exchanged between professor 和 student, doctor’s statements, etc. 

Again, grade appeals of any type shall be instituted no later than the last regular 下一个长学期的上课日收到成绩后.



  1. 要求GAB进行覆核;
  2. present evidence allegedly proving that the grade is capricious as defined above; 和
  3. 陈述学生的结论.

The Grade Appeals Board will then contact the professor to determine the professor’s 位置. 根据学生的请愿书,教授的回复,以及面试 by the chairperson of the Grade Appeals Board with the student 和 the professor, the GAB will conduct an inquiry that may include a meeting with the student 和 the 教授,单独或一起,以查明和考虑有关事实.



  1. that the grade was not assigned capriciously 和 the grade will st和 as assigned; or
  2. that the grade may have been assigned capriciously 和 merits further consideration.

If further consideration is needed, the GAB may then arrange for the professor (or designee) or a group of two (2) departmental/program colleagues to re-examine all 学生工作的证据. 经过进一步的考虑,GAB将 recommend to the appropriate vice president/provost a grade the same as or different 从原来的等级开始. 如果决定要更改等级,则更改等级 Form will be sent to the vice president/provost (or designee) for signature, 和 then 转发给注册商.

If the decision is that the grade will remain as assigned, the student will be notified 以书面形式表明该决定. GAB的决定将是最终决定. 总而言之:

  1. At all points of the decision, the student, the professor, the academic dean, 和 在作出每项决定后,将通知有关各方.
  2. If the grade is changed, the Grade Change Form will be completed by the appropriate 副校长/教务长,并提交给注册主任处理. 一份 final Grade Change Form will be distributed to the professor (or designee), the academic dean, the chairperson of the Grade Appeals Board, 和 other appropriate parties.
  3. In accordance with College District personnel procedures, no decision of the Grade Appeals Board, by itself, will be a basis for disciplinary action against a professor.
  4. Students having a grievance with other academic or classroom related problems, other 比自己最后的成绩,应该先请教教授. 如果委屈不是 解决后,学生应联系相应的教务长. 如果有问题 is still not resolved, the student may appeal to the appropriate vice president/provost.

In certain instances, the problem may be h和led best through other procedures; therefore, a referral for assistance may be made to another office or to a task force (e.g., 人际关系特别工作组等.)




