BAS in Clinical Operations Management. FAQs Page.


Why should I get a BAS in Clinical Operations Management?

应用科学学士(BAS)临床操作管理可以是一个有价值的 有兴趣从事医疗保健管理职业的个人学位. Here 以下是你可能考虑获得临床操作管理学士学位的一些原因:


1. Healthcare Industry Demand

    医疗保健行业正在不断发展,对专业人员有需求 who can manage and optimize clinical operations. A degree in Clinical Operations Management 使您能够为医疗保健组织的效率和有效性做出贡献.


2. Management Skills

    该计划为管理原则提供了坚实的基础,包括组织 behavior, leadership, and project management. These skills are crucial for overseeing clinical operations and ensuring smooth workflow.


3. Understanding of Healthcare Systems

    临床操作管理学士学位包括提供见解的课程 into healthcare systems, regulations, and policies. This knowledge is essential for navigating the complexities of the healthcare industry.


4. Quality Improvement

    临床操作管理课程强调质量改进计划 within healthcare settings. This focus can equip you with the skills to enhance patient 医疗保健组织的护理、安全和整体绩效.


5. Financial Skills

    管理医疗保健业务包括了解预算、财务管理、 and resource allocation. 临床操作管理学位提供了相关知识 在医疗保健环境中做出明智的财务决策是必要的.


6. Leadership Opportunities

    这个学位的重点是管理和运营,为你的领导能力做准备 roles within healthcare organizations. Job opportunities include the ability to lead 团队,实施战略举措,并为医疗保健的整体成功做出贡献 facilities.


7. Problem-Solving Skills

    临床操作管理课程强调解决问题和批判性 thinking skills. 这些能力在应对可能出现的挑战时很有价值 in healthcare settings and finding effective solutions.


8. Interdisciplinary Collaboration

    医疗保健管理涉及与来自不同学科的专业人员合作. 临床操作管理学士学位为您提供协作技能 有效地与医疗保健专业人员、管理人员和支持人员合作.


9. Job Opportunities

    获得临床操作管理学位的毕业生将接受培训 各种职业道路,包括医疗保健管理员、临床操作等角色 manager, healthcare consultant, and more.

Am I qualified for the BAS COM degree?

a) admission to Collin College,
b)完成联合健康/健康专业的应用科学副学士学位 科学/紧急服务领域,为学生的临床护理或 systematic review of clinical care, and

高级课程的注册仅限于那些有以下条件的学生 我被临床操作管理专业的BAS项目录取.


Information may be obtained by calling 972.548.6679 or emailing the BASCOM Department at


培养学生的联合健康/健康科学/紧急服务学科 提供临床护理或系统地评价临床护理包括,但属于 not limited to, disciplines such as:


• Anesthesia Technology/Technician

• Dental Hygiene

• Diagnostic Medical Sonography

• Emergency Medical Services

• Fire Science (with paramedic training)

• Health Information Management/Technology

• Health Professions (Electrocardiographic Technology track. EMT track, Nurse's Aide track, Patient Care   Technician track, Phlebotomy track)

• Medical Assisting

• Occupational Therapy

• Physical Therapy Assisting

• Polysomnographic Technology

•  Radiation Technology

•  Respiratory Therapy

•  Surgical Technology


应用科学副学士(AAS)其他相关健康/相关科学/急诊专业学位 在卫生副院长之后,服务学科可能有资格入学 Sciences and Emergency Services (HSES) approval.

How many hours is the BAS COM degree?

临床操作管理学士学位要求完成120个学期学分 hours (SCH) of coursework as outlined below. 


Coursework Outline:


A. Technical Coursework - up to 44 credit hours

被录取的学生最多可以修满44个学分 of technical (i.e.在他们的AAS学位中完成的课程 applied to the degree requirements for the BAS degree. Should students earn less than 在其AAS学位课程中完成44所学校的技术课程,剩余的任何规定学时 符合BAS学位要求的将被指定为可完成的选修课 与任何较低部门的课程学分不用于完成另一个学士学位 requirement.


B. 核心课程/通识教育课程- 42学时

所有学生完成学士学位,包括临床操作学士学位 管理专业,必须完成42所学校的核心课程/通识教育课程 College requires.  核心课程/通识教育课程可以在科林完成 大学或从其他机构认可的高等院校转学 这些必修课程中的许多都可以应用于BAS学位 要求完成通识教育/核心课程课程的一部分 AAS degree.


010 Communication Component 6 SCH


ENGL 1301 - Composition I

ENGL 1302 - Composition II

ENGL 2311 - Technical and Business Writing


020 Mathematics Component 3 SCH


数学1342 -基本统计方法(或其他数学核心)


030 Life & Physical Sciences Component 6 SCH





040 Language, Philosophy & Culture 3SCH


GEN ED Language, Philosophy & Culture course 


050 Creative Arts Component 3 SCH


GEN ED Creative Arts course 


060 American History Component 6 SCH


GEN ED History course 


070 GEN ED History course 6 SCH


政府2305 -联邦政府(联邦宪法和主题)

政府2306 -德州政府(德州宪法和主题)


080 Social and Behavioral Science Component 3 SCH


GEN ED Social/Behavioral Sciences course 


090 Collin options 6 SCH


GEN ED Speech course 

GEN ED 1 lab hour from 030 Component applies 

GEN ED 1 lab hour from 030 Component applies 

任何额外一小时的核心课程都适用于这里,或者学生可以选择一小时的课程 applies to core


请访问:项目:科林通识教育/核心课程(学士学位和 AA/AS/AAT学位)-火博体育官网- Acalog ACMS™了解更多信息


C. Upper Division Coursework

学位要求的其余34个专业构成高级医务/保健科 sciences management courses.


MHSM 3313 - Data Analysis and Presentation Development

MHSM 3315 - Population Health


MHSM 3311 - Healthcare Technology Information

MHSM 3320 - Fundamentals of Business: Healthcare


MHSM 3310 - Legal Issues in Healthcare

MHSM 3335 - Financial Management for Healthcare


MHSM 4302 - Healthcare Quality and Risk Management

MHSM 4315 - Project Management


MHSM 3305 - Leadership for Healthcare Organizations

MHSM 4312 - Talent Management in Healthcare


MHSM 4440 -医疗保健管理案例分析(顶点)

Core Curriculum/Electives


为了有资格获得火博体育官网的学士学位,所有学生必须 完成至少25%的课程(30学分) College.

BAS COM Specific Links

BASCOM Department Website


Information Sessions

Information Sessions


BAS COM Advising Request

Advising Request



Helpful Links





Financial Aid

Financial Aid





Student Resources

Student Resources